Assignment #8-B What is Fall

What is Fall?

If you are not participating in the field trip this is your replacement assignment.

Your theme is "What is Fall" Using manual mode on your camera (that's the "M" on the top of your selection dial) Take 20 pictures of what Fall means to you. Think about what you have learned to date, in assignments 1-7 and apply those techniques and knowledge to your photographs. Also incorporate different perspectives, angles, close far and medium distance.

make sure you record all your settings F-Stop and shutter speeds so we can analyze your photos.

Remember think about it and be creative......anybody can go out and take pictures of leaves. Make it interesting consider perspective and expression create a photo that generates interest and wonder!

Have fun!

Total Marks /180

 Image result for fall imagery      Image result for fall imagery

Leading Line                                                                     Close up
Image result for fall imagery     Image result for fall imagery

Worms Eye                                                              Informal balance


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