
Showing posts from September, 2017

Assignment #8-B What is Fall

What is Fall? If you are not participating in the field trip this is your replacement assignment. Your theme is "What is Fall" Using manual mode on your camera (that's the "M" on the top of your selection dial) Take 20 pictures of what Fall means to you. Think about what you have learned to date, in assignments 1-7 and apply those techniques and knowledge to your photographs. Also incorporate different perspectives, angles, close far and medium distance. make sure you record all your settings F-Stop and shutter speeds so we can analyze your photos. Remember think about it and be creative......anybody can go out and take pictures of leaves. Make it interesting consider perspective and expression create a photo that generates interest and wonder! Have fun! Total Marks /180          Leading Line                                                                     Close up         Worms Eye                                                   

Assignment # 8

Ancient Forrest - Photo / Science Field Trip Date: TBA Departure: TBA Return: TBA   Supply List 1. Tent you - can share. 2. Warm sleeping bag / bedroll. 3. Food - enough for two days of meals, pack smart meals that are easy to prepare. 4. small camp stove / mess kit for cooking. 5. Head lamp or small flash light. 6. Rain gear / rubber boots / layered clothing and a change of clothing. 7. Hiking Boots. 8. Toque, light gloves. 9. Fully charged camera battery, camera, and camera case. 10. Small back pack for gear. Come prepared, and lets have a blast! Assignments for the Ancient Forrest and Grizzly Den Hike   Photo 11/12-Science 9    Part   1 – Grizzly Den Hike   For this short hike you will be assigned to a group of science 9 students. (see groupings below) In this assignment, you will be responsible for collaborating and documenting the science 9’s activity on the ecosystem. The 9’s will be recording and documenting

Assignment #7 Generating Interest Using Perspective

In this assignment you will build a personal biography of your self. This biography should demonstrate through imagery who you are. Using different camera angles create a biography that can be viewed through a variety of perspectives. Take a look at the web site provided, and incorporate some of those ideas into your phot bio. Have fun with this, and remember to think outside of the box and make this bio as creative as you can. Project should have 10 pictures with a variety of different perspectives. pictures                                                        /90 use of perspective                                        /10 total Mark                                                   /100 What is photographic perspective? Perspective refers to the relationship of imaged objects in a photograph. This includes their relative positions and sizes and the space between them. In other words, perspective in the composition of a photograph is the way real three-dim